At BPG Architects + Surveyors we put the highest value on quality, equality and the environment.
Environmental Management System
BPG are committed to designing responsive buildings that are energy efficient and environmentally considerate. We use a fabric first approach to achieving sustainable design solutions that are integrated into the building not bolted on.
Our practice has sustainability champion who promotes green design throughout the practice and helps maintain our ISO 14001 2015 Environmental Management System.
To download a copy of our environmental policy please click here
To view our EMS certification please click here

Quality Management System
BPG Architects & Surveyors specialise in the provision of professional Architectural, Building Surveying, Project Management, Quantity Surveying, Employers Agent and Principal Designer services, together with associated property related services such as party walls, boundary disputes, defects investigation and expert witness.
In order to achieve efficient operation and to maintain customer confidence BPG Architects & Surveyors understand the importance of conformance to a recognised Quality Management System. We are committed to retaining ISO 9001: 2015 registration for our operations and to continually review and improve our quality system, thus achieving a reputation for excellence.
To download a copy of our quality policy please click here
To view our QMS certification please click here

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
BPG is committed to fair and equal employment and the avoidance of discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. BPG ensures equal opportunity and treatment for all persons during the recruitment and selection process, and no person will be treated or judged less favourably than any other person.
The company encourages all employees to discuss with management any problems they may have concerning inequalities which may manifest themselves in the course of their duties; any incidents of victimisation, discrimination and harassment will be treated as disciplinary offences. To assist in ensuring that direct and indirect discrimination is not occurring the company may ask about the ethnic origins of employees and will keep simple records on individual personnel files. Staff will not, however, be forced into disclosing any information if they do not wish to.
To download a copy of our equality and diversity policy please click here